Life Begins at 88
书籍概要 | Synopsis
The author shared in ”Life Begins at 88” his experience of his many stays in the hospital in the year 2023. He hopes that the book can bring comfort to many people who are currently struggling with illness, especially those who feel helpless and fearful.
2022 《一身云烟》
Gone Like a Cloud
书籍概要 | Synopsis
The author speaks of his “literary journey” in “Gone Like a Cloud”. “Gone Like a Cloud” is a study of Mr. Luo Ming’s literary works, and it is also a rare document detailing the literary history from the 50s to the present day in Singapore.
2021《涛声依旧-上 &下》
Sound of Waves Remains - I & II
书籍概要 | Synopsis
”Sound of Wave Remains” is a collection of travel literature he wrote. There are two parts to 《涛》. Unlike most travel literature, they were written from an educator’s perspective and prescribed what he observed in foreign countries.
2021 《往事如烟》
All Those Years
书籍概要 | Synopsis
”All Those Years” is a collection of essays from recent years. The first essay is titled “The Spirit of One Belt One Road”. One would think that it is written about China. Instead, it is a play on the word “One Belt”. It actually wrote of Singapore’s journey
Reminisce of ASEAN Literature Development
书籍概要 | Synopsis
Reminisce of ASEAN Literature Development focuses on the development of Chinese literature among the ASEAN countries, and the establishment of the ASEAN literature union. This compelling research will intrigue scholars and educators.
2020 《我的回忆80''略明''》
书籍概要 | Synopsis
The Memoir contains the collection of the author’s view in life.
Nostalgic Thoughts
书籍概要 | Synopsis
在《怀思集》,我们与作者穿越时空,追溯他与当年的南洋大学“云南文茒”的关系,在中正中学的学习生涯与在动荡岁月时在母校担任总务的时光,向中文文学倡导者和推动者的其他贡献者致敬,对”第十六届亚细安华文文学营”的回忆,以及对生活问题的反思。其中“消失的华文书店”, 讨论早年书局门庭若市,悻悻学子,人潮涌动的情影,如今沦为文具店或成为卖参考书的书店。
We traveled through time with the author in “Nostalgic Thoughts” to his tie with the then Nanyang University Literature Society, his time as an educator with Chung Cheng High during its turbulent years, tributes to the other contributors to the Chinese Literature advocate and promotor, a remark on the “16th ASEAN Chinese Literature Conference”, and reflection on life matters.
2017 《新加坡1929年之前“怀念经典”作品集 》
A Collection of Singapore Chinese Literature Works Pre-1929
书籍概要 | Synopsis
《新加坡1929年之前“怀念经典”作品集》是续《新加坡1930-1942 经典作品集》收录了新加坡早期作品, 其中包括诗歌,散文,小说,戏剧等。这些作品叙述新加坡当时的生活风貌,时代与政治背景。1920 至1929是新加坡的大时代。新加坡是英属殖民地中的明星,提供香料生产贸易,作为亚洲的枢纽,吸引了来自各国的商贾名流。这是一套不可多得的新加坡开坡时代的写实文学文献,并有丰富的时代与学术研究价值。
“A Collection of Singapore Chinese Literature Works Pre-1929″ is a continuation of the “Singapore Classics 1930-1942 Collection of Works”, which includes poetry, prose, fiction, drama, etc. 1920 to 1929 was during the British Colonial era in which Singapore was the star at the prime of the British empire, providing a spice production trade and acting as a trading hub for Asia, attracting merchants and celebrities from all over the world. This is a rare set of realistic literary documents of the Straits Settlements era, and has rich era and academic research value.
2015 《新加坡1930-1948 经典作品集 》
Singapore PreWar Chinese Literature Collection from 1930 to 1948
书籍概要 | Synopsis
《新加坡1930-1948 经典作品集》收录了二战前的作品, 其中包括诗歌,散文,小说,戏剧等。这些作品叙述新加坡当时的生活风貌,时代与政治背景。是一套不可多得的二战时代的写实文学文献,并有丰富的学术研究价值。
The Singapore PreWar Chinese Literature Collection from 1930 to 1948 is a collection of poetry, prose, fiction, drama, etc. These works recounted the life, era and political background of Singapore at that time. It is a rare set of realistic literary documents of the World War II era and has rich academic research value.
2012 《骆明选集》
A Compendium of LuoMing's Writings
书籍概要 | Synopsis
A Compendium of LuoMing’s Writings is a selection of works and papers selected by the Confucius Institute of Nanyang Technological University for the winner of the 2011 “Nanyang Chinese Literature Award”. This book consisted of a total of 70 articles. These articles put forward their own thoughts on the past, present and future of Chinese literature in Singapore; analyzed the relationship between early southern writers and new immigrants and New Chinese literature; expressed unique views on campus arts, youth and literary topics; also Call everyone to pay attention to ASEAN literature.