2012 南洋理工大学 南洋卓越校友奖
NTU Outstanding Alumni Award

‘南洋校友奖’ 的得奖者都是曾对促进大学、社区或社会发展作出重大贡献的校友。这个奖项也是南洋理工大学对这些在各专业领域取得顶尖成就、享誉本国、本区域或国际社会的校友们的认可。
“The winners of the ‘Nanyang Alumni Award’ are all alumni who have made significant contributions to the advancement of universities, communities, or society. This award is Nanyang Technological University’s recognition of its alumni who have achieved top achievements in various professional fields and are well-known in the country, the region or the international community.
Mr. Yap who graduated from the College of Arts in 1959, was awarded the Nanyang Outstanding Alumni Award. He is a highly respected scholar in Singaporean literary circles, and he is also a solid promoter of the development of overseas Chinese literature.
Source: Nanyang Technological University